Khaki Pattern

7 09 2008

Holidays are over and I’m back at school for my troisième, l’année d’orientation. Like last year I’ve got a crap timetable, due to the long hours we spend at school: 43 hours at school and 35 hours of lessons. We take a lot of time to do little work. That’s my thoery as to why the days are so long.  To take advantage of all this time, I’ll use it to perfect my french. This year the classes have been completely mixed up; there’s quite a lot of new faces in my new class.

I’ve started a design project with Max Daidé called D¤M. If you would like to show your support, join our Facebook group. ^^

This is my latest design. The khaki pattern is unique (another word for homemade^^). To create it, I first photographed some foliage. Then in photoshop, I simplified the shapes and colours. I’m not sure how effective it would actually be as camouflage (although I think it would work pretty well), but I can say that it was derived from natural patterns:) Other details are the textures on the hat, shirt and trousers, and the stitching on the trousers.

On the 28 August, I got back from Tenerife and it was absolutely fantastic. I’ll put photos up soon…

As for the 100 Push ups Challenge, it’s coming on well. I started at 25 consecutive push ups, I’m now up to 40!



2 responses

15 09 2008

Hello Fearn … Sorry for my English but it’s not my good point …. mdr ^^
J’espére que D¤M Marchera bien 😉 Et que tu arrivera toi aussi aux 100pompes!!!!!
Merci pour ton Com aussi 😉 !!!!Allé bonne soiré à demain!

15 09 2008

J’avais oubliéé (le plus importnt)…. Trés jolie la chemise (sa semblé évidient !!!!)

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